The Carpenters Experience
As the Book of Exodus tells us, work is a sacred responsibility before God. Jesus was a carpenter for about 15 years before he became a preacher in the final three and a half years of his life. As a carpenter, Jesus came to understand peoples burdens and needs. Carpenters repair broken things. In the same manner, people brought their broken lives to Christ and He would repair them, just as He does today.
The carpenter sees the potential in the wood. Most people would look and say, "It's got knots in it. It's got cracks in it. Look, its bowed." A carpenter says, "I can glue those knots back in. That crack can be fixed. And that warp can be taken out with a planer. The carpenter sees the potential of the wood, not the problems of the wood.
Jesus Christ looks at us today and what does He see? He sees our potential! He knows which tools to use to bring out our potential. He knows our rough spots that need to be sanded down. He knows when we need to be polished. And much of His work is done through our kindness to others.